Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Be careful what you wish for.

Democrats should remember these words over the next couple of months. While George W. Bush is certainly a lightning rod of Democratic hatred and contempt, and has ended up on the wrong side of so many issues as to virtually guarantee a loss come November 2, those who have come to hate the President simply because of the "way he looks" or his corporate history, rather than his current policies, are making a big mistake.

I'm the first to admit that Bush is not exactly a smart man. He lacks communication skills - there's evidence he screws up personal, one-on-one communication as much as he falters in speeches to large groups - but is this a reason to vote him out?

He's also shown a remarkable inability to be compassionate. I couldn't care less what anyone has to say on the matter - a Constitutional ban on gay marriage is one of the most ANTI-CHRISTIAN acts our government could possibly commit, and should never have even been contemplated by any of our country's elected officials. I find Cheney's executive role in the party that proposed this bill to be revolting, considering his gay daughter.

Toss in an Iraq here, bad economy there, lack of contrition everywhere, and its most likely lights out for Bush come November 2.

But let me tell you why this isn't great news for Democrats. Being President of the United States means you not only have to deal with domestic policy issues and master international relations - both of which Kerry can do - but the President also has to have charisma and a sense of dramatic flair. This is the age of TV and the internet, after all, and a boring Kerry could lull Democratic hopes into a long-term coma.

With actually compelling Democratic Presidential candidates coming down the pipeline in 2008 and 2012, such as O'Bama from Illinois and Hillary Clinton, a Bush defeat could allow Kerry to thoroughly convince the nation's vast moderate constituency that electing a Democrat isn't such a great idea after all. It would be an ironic end to this political era for the political careers of these two people, with marks of true leadership and charisma, to be derailed by none other than George W. Bush.

So while Democrats rally against Bush with historic fervor and ferocity, don't let the long-term implications a lackluster Kerry tenure could cause get lost in the shuffle. After all, you gotta be careful what you wish for ... you just might get it.