Sunday, April 10, 2005

Over the weekend, I had an incredibly lucid dream. And I remembered it after I woke up.

You have to understand - I don't remember dreams. Ever. So this was a bit of a shock.

The content of the dream was equally jarring. Here it is, as best I can remember it. I've been thinking about it, as I'm familiar with all the classical psychoanalytical interpretations of dreams...and not sure how this fits into any particular archetype, or even how it draws from my own memories. I'm not sure what to make of it.

The dream began with me sitting at the counter in the kitchen at home in Birmingham. I was sitting there not really doing anything, when my dad arrived home, bringing my grandmother (my dad's mom) home from the hospital. She was apparently staying with us for a time, as she had dementia.

My dad walked her in to the kitchen, sat her down at the table across from the counter, and left the room. She sat there for a minute, seemingly aloof and not knowing quite where she was. All of a sudden, she sprung to life, and began walking at a fast pace around the kitchen before trying to climb up the pantry shelves.

I got up, pulled her down from the shelves, and sat her back in the chair.

All of a sudden, me and my family, my grandmother, and the Longs (family friends) were driving in my mom's SUV to a DRIVE-IN MOVIE (I have no idea where this came from) somewhere approximately in where Bluff Park is in relation to my house.

To get there, though, we had to drive down a ridiculously steep decline - so steep, that if any of us in the car had actually shifted our weight or pushed up on the roof of the vehicle, we would have begun to tumble over and roll down the hill, losing control. This was pretty scary.

Once we got to the bottom of this precipitous hill, there was a man collecting tickets, standing out in front of his tiny office/booth directly in front of a gigantic gate. He said something - I don't remember what, though I think it had to do with the fact that we left our ticket at home, though I'm not sure - and all of a sudden, we were back at my house.

Only this time, it wasn't right. I could literally feel something in the air, though I had no idea what was going on. I was, again, in the kitchen.

Then, in a moment of clarity, it became clear what was going on - there were all sorts of demons in the house. I couldn't see them, but somehow I knew that's what it was, and I was also alerted to the fact that my grandmother's dementia had been caused by one.

Simultaneously in this clairvoyance, I was also made aware that the worst evil was in the basement. I'm still not entirely sure if I was told that it was Satan in the basement, or just something worse than whatever else was in the house. I forget.

So I walk out of the kitchen, turn the corner, and open the door to go downstairs to the basement.

Immediately once I open the door, I'm greeted by my dead grandparents (on my mom's side), who are horizontally levitating about 6 feet above the ground and semi-transparent. They looked different. Younger. But certainly recognizable.

My grandmother, on my mom's side, was in front of my grandfather (on my mom's side), and both had their eyes closed, but seemed to be communicating something. I have no idea what. And then, their eyes came open for about 2-3 seconds. It was at this point that I became aware I was dreaming, yet I was powerless to exit the dream. This scared the living hell out of me, and is still my most vivid memory from the dream.

Yet, I seemed to be completing some sort of script that wasn't quite done yet. I walked down to the basement.

I took a left into the recreational room built down there, but instead, there were no walls of any type and it was extremely dark, except for a window in the distance (where a window is actually located in my house, on the door to the back yard). In the light from this window, halfway crouched and hiding away, was something. A small person, or at least something that looked like a small person.

This thing took off toward me, and the dream shot into slow motion. I picked up a rod that was, for some reason, on the ground in front of me, and managed to get it out in front of me and thrust it, in jousting fashion, at the thing coming at me. I saw it just long enough to see it was just over 4 feet high and didn't really have a face. When I say "it didn't have a face," its difficult to describe - it DID in fact have a face, but its face appeared to be recessed into its head far enough to where skin had grown over it. I couldn't tell any more than that - and I have no idea if that's what it actually was, but its what it looked like.

The moment I jammed the rod into it to stop it from coming toward me, the dream ended.

I have no idea what the significance of this is, though it was extremely surreal seeing my grandparents on my mom's side in angelic dress and visage.

I am a believer that dreams either fall into one of two categories - ones which reflect a current reality, often where your subconscious is telling you something (e.g. finding yourself naked at school - afraid of being discovered, for some reason - or finding yourself falling, which would indicate being afraid of losing control over a given situation) and the other category being completely random firings of neurons at night, using any and all images the brain can conjure up to create a messy scenario that usually makes absolutely no sense.

Since this doesn't appear to get filed under either of these, I'm at a loss. I'm happy I wasn't afraid, at all, of fighting Satan or the demon or whatever it was in the basement, but what am I supposed to get out of any of this? If it weren't for my grandparents' heavenly appearance in the dream, which in no way could've been a projection of my imagination - especially the feeling of sheer wonder I had at that point - I would've moved on and forgotten about the dream by now, like all the others.

Anyway, off to bed once again. Sweet dreams! :)