Friday, April 29, 2005

George W. Bush didn't impress me tonight with what I would characterize as "horrific" public speaking skills. But what really irritates me is that Bush can't seem to get anything done.

He better get to work. I believe Social Security reform is a good idea, but it requires caution that Bush may or may not employ in getting the job done. Tax reform is also critical, so its good Bush is taking that on in the fall.

Who cares about John Bolton? And Tom Delay dug his own grave. Bush needs to refocus on why anyone cares about him being in office...his ambitious domestic agenda.

If he doesn't get some substantive things done by 2008, he will most certainly go down as one of the worst, if not THE worst, President in the history of the United States. A combination of brutal arrogance and utter incompetence, made even worse by deliberate religious-right smokescreens and intentionally confusing double-talk.

Iraq is a mess that is actually beginning to give other problem countries confidence in dictating terms with the US, and terrorism worldwide has certainly not been solved by the administration. At home, the mediocrity of the economy is something we've almost started to take for granted, and the political climate is only slightly less poisonous than it was during the 2004 election.

I voted for Kerry simply because I thought a change might be good for America, though neither Kerry nor Bush are really fit to run a 7-11, much less the United States Government. Bush needs to slam the door shut on these Democratic filibusters and give us something positive to talk about for me to start thinking maybe I voted the wrong way.