Tuesday, January 29, 2008

24 hours after having time to reflect on the sheer horror that was last night's State of the Union address, I realize it puts the exclamation mark on what has become the worst Presidential tenure in the history of the United States.

A 236 billion dollar surplus? Gone, in favor of huge deficits.

Economic prosperity? Gone, in favor of recession.

Peace? Gone, in favor of a directionless war in Iraq. A war that needs to end immediately. I can speak for myself when I say I am totally uninterested in Iraq's welfare when America's leaves so much to be desired.

Economic stimulus package aside, bipartisanship is gone, in favor of political trench warfare that fortunately Barack Obama seems, for at least this fleeting instant, capable of rejecting and leading the nation into a different sort of political discourse...a big accomplishment.

And, of course, health care and education are both a mess right now.

And yet, here is Bush, squawking at Congress on how he'll fight to the end against earmarks, patted himself on the back for No Child Left Behind, and postured one final time about Iraq.

Which brings me back to the realization pretty much everyone has at this point - Democrat, Republican, doesn't matter, just put ANYONE ELSE in that office and we'll be better off.

I'm starting to like Obama, though. That guy is lightning-quick as a speaker and has the country starting to embrace the romantic notion of having an African-American in the Oval Office. Super Tuesday should be interesting.

This is what George W. Bush has done - made me care about politics and start following it on a daily basis. Amazing.

Also, this is my 200th blog post. I'll try to make the 201st entry a bit more positive.